HR Consulting

HR Consulting

"You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.”
(Walt Disney)

Your company's success stands and falls with your employees, their personality, motivation and competence. Against the backdrop of an increasing shortage of skilled workers, it is important to position yourself as an employer and to be attractive to the best minds. However, specific competencies have to be actively identified. As HR consultants, we are your partner in the search for personnel, identifying suitable specialists and managers in the market and for approaching them directly.

We also help you to make sustainable use of the human resources in your own company. By developing a targeted personnel strategy and organization, we help you to improve the performance and efficiency of your employees. Our business coach accompanies and supports your employees during the onboarding of new colleagues and the new hires during their transition.

As HR consultants, we also support you in the sometimes unavoidable process of parting with employees in special situations, so that the separation process is carried out amicably for both sides and pays off for your image as a company.

Our services in the field of personnel consulting:


Direct Search / Professional & Executive Search / Headhunting


Whether vacancies in production/operations, engineering, R&D, purchasing, sales, customer service, human resources, or finance/controlling - we often know the high potentials, executives, and specialists in our industries personally and can guarantee a trustworthy approach.
Our own search team discreetly identifies and approaches the people we consider suitable for the vacant position. We conduct intensive interviews and present you with a written summary of the best candidates according to our pre-selection. If desired, we match the candidates' personalities with the job's requirement profile using a scientific personality test. Finally, we present the best candidates to you in person. If required, we accompany you during the interviews in your company and thus ensure continuity. As a service provider, we integrate seamlessly into your recruiting process and support you in your selection.
If the new employee quits during the probationary period, it is up to us as a HR consultancy to fill the position again without any fee. Headhunting and HR consulting have to be sustainable.


How do we find the right candidate?

As HR consultants, we work closely with you from the very beginning. This ensures that we can understand and take into account your strategic challenges and your search requirements. For us, listening, integrity and trust are central pillars for a successful collaboration. We specialize in the markets relevant to you in the paper, plastics and packaging industries and their entire value chain. We know the people and managers involved - in some cases for decades. We are very familiar with the business environment and the structures of potential candidates. You can rely on our network.

The direct approach is accompanied by flanking measures which we use additionally. There, we rely on the classic elements of recruiting and place job ads on our website and in relevant media and platforms frequented by the relevant target group. Interested parties from the industries in our environment then become aware of your vacancies, contact us and are assessed for their suitability.

How does the recruitment process work?

BGH-Consulting has a close personal network and conducts in-depth research on suitable specialists and executives on the staff market. We know many candidates, about those we don not know we gather information. Discretion is always our top priority. When a first contact is made by telephone - provided the candidate can speak freely - it is checked whether they are generally open to a new professional challenge. Usually, an appointment is now made with our researcher for a somewhat more detailed discussion outside regular working hours.
If it becomes apparent that there is an interest in the role, a candidate will want to know initial details about the position and our client, which we may communicate without naming names. Should the interest become more concrete, we will arrange an interview date with the consultant, during which the CV will be reviewed once again and details about you as the client will be revealed.

How do we get the candidate in touch with you?

Before a personal interview with a candidate, we inform you in detail about the qualifications and suitability of the candidate to be presented. As a HR consultant, we prepare the interview together with you so that a clear picture emerges. The candidate also knows who they are dealing with and can prepare for the interview in terms of content and ask specific questions. You will receive our assessment of the candidate and the first interview openly and honestly. It is of no use to anyone if a hasty decision turns into a flop.

How is our work rewarded?

If a candidate proposed by us is hired, our fee is based on the annual salary. If the candidate quits while still in the probationary period, it is our task to evaluate the reasons for this and propose a new candidate without any additional fee.


Personnel strategy and development

We support your company and your employees in meeting your mutual expectations regarding career paths, leadership aspirations or the development of further competencies. We also ensure that your employees' skills and potential are put to the best possible use.


What is a human resources strategy?

Like other strategic planning of a company, such as procurement, sales or product strategy, human resources strategy is one of the central elements of corporate management. A successful human resources concept should make the necessary human resources available to ensure the success of your company. The right employees with the right qualifications must be available at the right time and in the right place. Staff shortages or surpluses must be avoided. We as HR consultants help you as a partner to develop and implement a personnel strategy that is aligned with your needs. We help you to develop roadmaps for employee qualification and to tap sustainable cost reduction potentials.

We also consider with you how, for example, increased fluctuation and high absenteeism can be counteracted.

Finding answers to demographic change

A successful HR strategy today includes assessing the consequences of demographic developments and the shortage of skilled workers for your company. The decline in the number of younger employees and the increasing proportion of older employees pose challenges for companies, as does the resulting competition for qualified junior staff. We advise you on suitable qualification measures for older employees, on the management of junior staff and on the successful recruitment of junior staff. For the internal and external communication measures required for this, we can draw on experts in our network who have proven experience in recruiting young talent and communicating with young target groups.

Success control

Together wit you we will continuously monitor and review the HR strategy which we implemented together with you. Existing HR key performance indicators can be used to monitor success, or new ones can be developed in response to changing conditions. In doing so, it is important to consider what specifically is to be measured (e.g., employee performance) and whether the key figures are related to the company's success.



The termination of employment relationships is often problematic. With our outplacement services, we make it easier for companies to handle this professionally and help your employees find a new career option. In doing so, we draw on our large network. The range of our services extends from the preparation of meaningful documents to interview training.


Why outplacement?

Dealing with employees requires mindfulness and respect. Nevertheless, there are circumstances that make it necessary to go separate ways. This can also involve employees who have not committed any misconduct, but who no longer fit into the concept. Also in terms of successful employer branding, your company should handle such a case in a socially acceptable manner and with both sides able to save face. The opportunity to build bridges with professional outplacement is made for this purpose. We support you in this.

We help you to develop a new professional orientation for your departing employee outside your company.
Outplacement can be arranged for individuals or, in the case of job losses on a larger scale, for larger groups of employees. In the case of larger restructurings, outplacement can also be part of transfer measures and be supported by the employment agency.


Individual coaching

We support prospective managers in recognizing and developing their abilities. Together, we develop a profile of strengths and weaknesses as well as personality structure and derive recommendations for further development.

With our vast network of external specialists, we help you to further develop successful top executives. This can range from identifying suitable further training opportunities to personality coaching, speech and media training, or even type consulting, which supports a confident appearance to customers and employees.



Onboarding is a critical first step in setting new employees up for success in their roles. However, most onboarding programs involve only administrative checklists. Fast onboarding of new employees increases satisfaction on both sides and saves resources. Otherwise, the new startup could immediately become a failure.

It is by no means just about the first day at the company. It's about the entire integration process, which - especially in the case of a change of location - also includes the family and the personal environment.

We help you support your employees as they start their new job. This ranges from relocation services and job offers for partners to individual training. In our targeted onboarding, we draw on the experience gained from many successful placements.


For applicants

Our job market
Are you looking for a new challenge? Here you will find our current variety of vacant positions from different industries and regions. Have a look and get in touch with us.

Speculative applications
You are looking for a new challenge in your career, but you can not find a suitable job offer? Take initiative and send us your application. We will be happy to support you in your search.